Feauturing Magic and Magicians from around the World

BEST 50 Magic Podcasts (For Magicians & Magic Lovers!)

SEE ALSO: BEST Card Magicians!

ALSO: Best Card Magicians!
ALSO: Magic Shows Near You

close-up of mindreaders eyes

Radio shows may be mostly a thing of the past, but podcasts are certainly not! There are podcasts about almost every subject, including magic, illusion and all things prestidigitation. We've searched the internet to find the good, the bad and the ugly (but mostly the good) of all the podcasts that have to do with anything magic. Here you'll find podcasters big and small, with interviews, opinions and advice. So if you find yourself with some time on your hands, (and who doesn't nowadays), you can stay connected by catching a magic podcast.

Top Podcasts on Magic for Magicians

ALL Podcasts on Magic for Magicians

A Jolly Genie?

All the best magic tricks and illusions

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THANK YOU for keeping magic alive... and me, a Jolly Genie!

Kick back in your favorite lounge chair with your favorite beverage, and enjoy a relaxing time while catching up on the magic scene, via the magic of podcasts.